Turkey and a Side of Questions

(photo credit: Brandi Florenti Photography)

It’s Thanksgiving: time for food, family, and football (go Cowboys!). And of course, time to practice thankfulness. One of the things I’m most thankful for is my children. They make me smile, make me cry, make my heart feel like it’s going to burst with love, and they make me laugh–which is why I decided to ask them a few Thanksgiving-inspired questions.

A, age 5

What are you thankful for? I’m thankful for my family, my friends, my toys, and God.

What is your favorite thing about Thanksgiving? Having turkey. But I don’t like pumpkin pie.

What is stuffing? The white things that are pushy and like squeezy.

How do you make cranberry sauce? With cranberries and you smash them up. Then put in strawberries, raspberries, bananas and last of all blueberries, carrots, and pears. Mix it up. Put it in the microwave and then when it’s done put it in the oven.

What did you learn this year? I learned about sunshine.

What makes your family special? When we’re being together.

What is your favorite holiday? Christmas because you get presents and you celebrate Jesus because it’s his birthday.

H, age 4

What are you thankful for? My family and my doggies. (Note, we don’t actually have any dogs…)

What is your favorite thing about Thanksgiving? Doggies and mommies and daddies.

What is gravy? Grapes.

How do you make pumpkin pie? Make a circle in it, then put pumpkin on it. Then put flour and whipped cream and milk and brown sugar and lots of more whipped cream and marshmallows and yellow decorations and chocolate vanilla bars and pumpkins. Then you eat it. Yum yum yum. That was so delicious.

What did you learn this year? About baby cats and baby doggies.

What makes your family special? Hugging them. That’s the cutest thing I ever said. (I might agree with her on that haha.)

What is your favorite holiday? Christmas because I love Mommy and Daddy so much. Because they’re so beautiful and daddies are so handsome.

I think this just became my new Thanksgiving tradition. I can’t wait to see how their answers change next year!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!


One thought on “Turkey and a Side of Questions

  1. Leena Heikkila

    Wonderful sweet girls. I loved reading their answers and looking forward to see how they think next year at this time. Jayme that Is the sweetest and loving thing of you to let us be part to enjoy your family activities. Please, please keep on writing. Love you all 😘

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